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A&Y Auto Locks is an expert in key retrieval. If you have locked your keys in the car, no problem. We can have the vehicle open in no time, without any damage to your car.


A&Y Auto Locks is able to carry out roadside repairs, our vans are stocked with all the latest equipment and we carry a large number of remotes and key blanks.


We can replace car keys for nearly any make and model of vehicle, whether you need to replace a Honda key, VW key, Audi key or BMW car key, our mobile auto locksmiths have the latest technology at their disposal to replace lost car keys and program transponders without the need to have your car towed to a Main Dealer.


So, if you're locked out of your car and have no spare keys, just simply
call A & Y Auto Locks on 07951474181.


Once you are happy with our quote, we will arrange a time for one of our auto locksmiths to attend your vehicle and replace your lost car keys.

A&Y Locksmith shop

A&Y Autolocksmiths, Car Locksmith, Car Key Replacement. 

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A & Y Locksmiths,  24 HOUR CALL OUT ON 07951 474181

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